Evo C++ Library v0.5.1
String Formatting

This shows different approaches for string formatting.

Direct Formatting

Methods for direct formatting modify the string directly:

#include <evo/string.h>
using namespace evo;
int main() {
String str;
// Append a separator, if applicable
str.addsep(','); // ignored, string is empty
// Set as formatted integer
str.setn(0xFF, 16); // hex
// Set as formatted floating point
str.setn(1.23); // default precision
str.setn(1.23, 2); // 2 digit precision
// Append a separator, if applicable
str.addsep(','); // add separator
str.addsep(','); // ignored, already ends with separator
// Append formatted number with similar methods
// Prepend formatted number with similar methods
// Insert formatted number with similar methods, at position 1
str.insertn(1, 123);
str.insertn(1, 1.23);
return 0;
Stream Style Formatting

Strings can be appended to using the stream operator (<<), similar to output Stream Formatting:

#include <evo/string.h>
using namespace evo;
int main() {
String str;
// Append string and number
str << "Testing " << 123;
// Clear string and append new string and number
str.clear() << "Foobar " << 1.23;
return 0;

Strings can also use explicit stream formatting to customize the output:

#include <evo/string.h>
using namespace evo;
int main() {
String str;
// Format str as: Testing aaaa...
str.clear() << "Testing " << FmtChar('a', 4) << "...";
// Format str as: Testing 0123...
str.clear() << "Testing " << FmtInt(123, fDEC, 4) << "...";
// Format str as: Testing 0x07B...
str.clear() << "Testing " << FmtUInt(0x7B, fHEX, fPREFIX2, 3) << "...";
// Format str as: Testing 1.230...
str.clear() << "Testing " << FmtFloat(1.23f, 3) << "...";
// Format str as: Testing 01.230...
str.clear() << "Testing " << FmtFloatD(1.23, 3, 6) << "...";
return 0;

Formatting attributes must be explicitly passed with each value – String doesn't keep any formatting state.

Formatting types used with operator<<():

Stream Style Formatting With State

Create a String::Format object to keep formatting state and make formatting "sticky" through that object, similar to Stream::Format:

#include <evo/string.h>
using namespace evo;
int main() {
String str;
String::Format out(str);
// Set int formatting to use hex with prefix, padded to 2 digits
out << FmtSetInt(fHEX, fPREFIX2, 2);
// Format some numbers as: 0x01,0x02,0x03
out << 1 << ',' << 2 << ',' << 3;
// Set int formatting to use octal with no prefix
out << fOCT << fPREFIX0;
// Format some numbers in octal as: 7,10,11
out << 7 << ',' << 8 << ',' << 9;
// Set int formatting to use decimal and pad to 3 digits, set field width to 5 and align-right
out << FmtSetInt(fDEC, 3) << FmtSetField(fRIGHT, 5, '.');
// Format some numbers in decimal as: ..012,..034
out << 12 << ',' << 34;
return 0;

This can also be done as a one-liner using a temporary formatter:

#include <evo/string.h>
using namespace evo;
int main() {
String str;
// Format some numbers as hex with prefix: 0x1,0x2,0x3
String::Format(str) << fHEX << fPREFIX2 << 1 << ',' << 2 << ',' << 3;
return 0;

Sticky formatting is useful for applying the same formatting to many fields. You may still use explicit stream formatting (see previous section) to override sticky formatting.

Formatting types for setting attributes with operator<<()

Generic Conversion Formatting

Generic conversion and formatting is supported via templates:

#include <evo/string.h>
using namespace evo;
int main() {
String str;
// set
// append
return 0;

See also: String Conversion and Smart Quoting