Evo C++ Library v0.5.1
evo Directory Reference


directory  async
directory  impl


file  alg.h [code]
 Evo general algorithms.
file  array.h [code]
 Evo Array container.
file  atomic.h [code]
 Evo atomic types.
file  atomic_buffer_queue.h [code]
 Evo AtomicBufferQueue.
file  benchmark.h [code]
 Evo simple micro benchmarking.
file  bit_array.h [code]
 Evo BitArray.
file  bits.h [code]
 Evo bit manipulation.
file  buffer_queue.h [code]
 Evo BufferQueue.
file  commandline.h [code]
 Evo command-line parsing.
file  core.h [code]
 Evo Core Library – Includes all the core Evo headers.
file  cortex.h [code]
 Evo Cortex class.
file  dir.h [code]
 Evo Directory helpers.
file  enum.h [code]
 Evo enum helpers.
file  event.h [code]
 Evo async event handling.
file  event_thread.h [code]
 Evo EventThreadPool class.
file  evo.h [code]
 Evo Core Library Documentation – Includes all the core Evo headers.
file  evo_config.h [code]
 Evo Library Configuration.
file  file.h [code]
 Evo File I/O stream class.
file  filepath.h [code]
 Evo file path operations.
file  fmt.h [code]
 Evo extended output formatting helpers.
file  io.h [code]
 Evo I/O streams and Console I/O.
file  ioasync_base.h [code]
 Evo AsyncBase.
file  ioasync_client.h [code]
 Evo AsyncClient.
file  ioasync_server.h [code]
 Evo AsyncServer.
file  iobase.h [code]
 Evo base I/O stream classes.
file  iosock.h [code]
 Evo Input/Output Socket streams.
file  iothread.h [code]
 Evo Input/Output streams with multithreading.
file  list.h [code]
 Evo List container.
file  lock.h [code]
 Evo smart locks for synchronization.
file  logger.h [code]
 Evo logging.
file  logger_console.h [code]
 Evo LoggerConsole.
file  macro.h [code]
 Evo advanced preprocessor macros.
file  map.h [code]
 Evo Map interface.
file  maphash.h [code]
 Evo MapHash container.
file  maplist.h [code]
 Evo MapList container.
file  meta.h [code]
 Evo Metaprogramming.
file  net_interface.h [code]
 Evo network adapter interface wrappers.
file  pair.h [code]
 Evo Pair class.
file  process.h [code]
 Evo process helpers.
file  ptr.h [code]
 Evo Smart Pointers.
file  ptrlist.h [code]
 Evo Pointer List.
file  set.h [code]
 Evo Set interface.
file  sethash.h [code]
 Evo SetHash container.
file  setlist.h [code]
 Evo SetList container.
file  string.h [code]
 Evo String container.
file  strscan.h [code]
 Evo string scanning helpers with SSE optimized code.
file  strtok.h [code]
 Evo string tokenizers.
file  sublist.h [code]
 Evo SubList container.
file  substring.h [code]
 Evo SubString container.
file  thread.h [code]
 Evo threads implementation.
file  thread_inert.h [code]
 Evo inert synchronization implementation.
file  time.h [code]
 Evo date and time classes.
file  timer.h [code]
 Evo Timer classes.
file  type.h [code]
 Evo basic types and traits.
file  ustring.h [code]
 Evo UnicodeString container.
file  var.h [code]
 Evo Var class.